Friday, 16 July 2010

Orange Flightsuit 1.0

"Orange flightsuit with mandarin-style collar and pointed tab, code cylinder pocket on upper-middle left arm, rectangular pocket with a flap closure on upper-middle right arm, comm pad pocket on outside of left forearm above wrist, and thigh pockets (upper set required, lower set optional). No visible zippers or snaps." - From the Rebel Legion costuming standards

- From the rebel legion tutorial

Please excuse the picture above. Its a still from the Holiday Special. So the first Item I bought was the flightsuit. These can be bought mostly complete from sellers on eBay, but to be screeen accurate need modification and finding material to match could take years. In my case I opted for two Orange overalls bought from Birmingham Market at £12 each. The first one makes the base of the suit and the second is for all the extra pockets, collars and cuffs. An alternate to this would have been to buy two white overalls and dye them both orange if an orange suit isn't readily available. Patterns for the mods are found here. Just scroll down the page and right click, save as.

The Overall:

Haven't started the mods yet but I'll post picts as and when.


  1. Hey Chris,

    I am about to start gathering materials and make a Red 5 Luke xwing suit as well. I'll be checking back to see your progress.

  2. Hey Chris,

    I am about to start gathering materials and make a Red 5 Luke xwing suit as well. I'll be checking back to see your progress.
